Publications de l'auteur
Before and after the earliest Homo dispersal in Europe: Evidence from the early Pleistocene sites of the Italian Peninsula
SARDELLA R., BELLUCCI L., BONA F., CHERIN M., IURINO D. A. & ROOK L. 2018. — Before and after the earliest Homo dispersal in Europe: Evidence from the early Pleistocene sites of the Italian Peninsula. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (4-5): 287-295.
Biochronology and palaeoenvironmental changes from the Middle Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene in Central Italy
PETRONIO C., BELLUCCI L., MARTIINETTO E., PANDOLFI L. & SALARI L. 2011. — Biochronology and palaeoenvironmental changes from the Middle Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene in Central Italy. Geodiversitas 2011 (3): 485-517.