Florent RIVALS
Publications de l'auteur
Presence of Hemitragus aff. cedrensis (Mammalia, Bovidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: Biochronological and biogeographical implications of its discovery at Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain)
RIVALS F. & BLASCO R. 2008. — Presence of Hemitragus aff. cedrensis (Mammalia, Bovidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: Biochronological and biogeographical implications of its discovery at Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol 7 (6): 391-399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2008.05.003
Un nouveau gisement paléontologique à Capra caucasica praepyrenaica : la grotte de l'Arche à Bugarach (Aude, France)
RIVALS F. & TESTU A. 2006. — Un nouveau gisement paléontologique à Capra caucasica praepyrenaica : la grotte de l'Arche à Bugarach (Aude, France). Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (5): 711-719. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2006.01.001
La chasse aux petits bovidés à la caune de l'Arago (Tautavel, France) : opportunisme ou sélection des proies ?
RIVALS F., MOIGNE A.-M. & LUMLEY H. d. 2002. — La chasse aux petits bovidés à la caune de l'Arago (Tautavel, France) : opportunisme ou sélection des proies ?. Anthropozoologica 2002: 3-12.
Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3
VAQUERO M., VAN DER MADE J., BLAIN H.-A., IBÁÑEZ N., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., RIVALS F., ALONSO S., AMEIJENDA A., BENNÀSAR M., FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA M., DE LOMBERA-HERMIDA A. & VALVERDE I. 2018. — Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (8): 557-593. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2018.03.004
Leporids as a potential resource for predators (hominins, mammalian carnivores, raptors): An example of mixed contribution from level III of Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3, Barcelona, Spain)
RUFÀ A., BLASCO R., RIVALS F. & ROSELL J. 2014. — Leporids as a potential resource for predators (hominins, mammalian carnivores, raptors): An example of mixed contribution from level III of Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3, Barcelona, Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol 13 (8): 665-680. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2014.06.001