

Publications de l'auteur


Fast identification method for an allopolyploid liverwort Pellia borealis Lorbeer (Hepaticae, Metzgeriales)

CHUDZIŃSKA E. & ODRZYKOSKI I. J. 2010. — Fast identification method for an allopolyploid liverwort Pellia borealis Lorbeer (Hepaticae, Metzgeriales). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2010 (3): 207-215.

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In vitro propagation of cryptic species of Aneura pinguis (Hepaticae, Metzgeriales)

BUCZKOWSKA K., ADAMCZAK M., CHUDZIŃSKA E., WACHOWIAK W. & BYCZKIEWICZ A. 2006. — In vitro propagation of cryptic species of Aneura pinguis (Hepaticae, Metzgeriales). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2006 (2): 241-251.

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