
Dominique TEODORI

Publications de l'auteur


An enigmatic specialized new eutherian mammal from the Late Cretaceous of Western Europe (Northern Pyrenees)

GHEERBRANT E. & TEODORI D. 2021. — An enigmatic specialized new eutherian mammal from the Late Cretaceous of Western Europe (Northern Pyrenees), in FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E. & LAURIN M. (eds), Palaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude RagePalaeobiology and palaeobiogeography of amphibians and reptiles: An homage to Jean-Claude Rage. Comptes Rendus Palevol 20 (13): 207-223.

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