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Archéozoologie et reconstruction des systèmes culturels : études de données de l'Ancien Monde

ARBUCKLE B. S., MAKAREWICZ C. A. & ATICI L. (eds) 2009. — Zooarchaeology and the reconstruction of cultural systems: Case studies from the Old World/Archéozoologie et reconstruction des systèmes culturels : études de données de l'Ancien Monde. Anthropozoologica, vol. 44 (1), arts 2, 2-10.

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Complex caprine harvesting practices and diversified hunting strategies: Integrated animal exploitation systems at Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B 'Ain Jamman

MAKAREWICZ C. A. 2009. — Complex caprine harvesting practices and diversified hunting strategies: Integrated animal exploitation systems at Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B 'Ain Jamman, in ARBUCKLE B. S., MAKAREWICZ C. A. & ATICI L. (éds), Archéozoologie et reconstruction des systèmes culturels : études de données de l'Ancien Monde. Anthropozoologica 44 (1): 79-101.

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Zooarchaeological contributions to Near Eastern prehistory

ATICI L., MAKAREWICZ C. A. & ATICI L. 2009. — Zooarchaeological contributions to Near Eastern prehistory, in ARBUCKLE B. S., MAKAREWICZ C. A. & ATICI L. (eds), Zooarchaeology and the reconstruction of cultural systems: Case studies from the Old WorldZooarchaeology and the reconstruction of cultural systems: Case studies from the Old World. Anthropozoologica 44 (1): 9-11.

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