
Cédric DEL RIO

Publications de l'auteur


Survey of the fruits and endocarps of Icacinaceae (Lamiids, Icacinales)

DEL RIO C., STULL G. W. & DE FRANCESCHI D. 2020. — Survey of the fruits and endocarps of Icacinaceae (Lamiids, Icacinales). European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 (645): 1-130.

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Icacinaceae fossil fruits from three sites of the Paris Basin (early Eocene, France): local diversity and global biogeographic implications

DEL RIO C. & DE FRANCESCHI D. 2020. — Icacinaceae fossil fruits from three sites of the Paris Basin (early Eocene, France): local diversity and global biogeographic implications. Geodiversitas 2020 (2): 17-28.

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An abnormally twinned fossil fruit of Iodes Blume (Icacinaceae) from Rivecourt (Thanetian, Oise, France)

DEL RIO C. & DE FRANCESCHI D. 2019. — An abnormally twinned fossil fruit of Iodes Blume (Icacinaceae) from Rivecourt (Thanetian, Oise, France). Adansonia 41 (3): 25-28.

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Seed morphology of the paleotropical tribe Paropsieae (Passifloraceae, Malpighiales), and paleobotanical implications

LAGRANGE F., MARTINEZ C. & DEL RIO C. 2024. Seed morphology of the paleotropical tribe Paropsieae (Passifloraceae, Malpighiales), and paleobotanical implications. European Journal of Taxonomy 943: 1–23.

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