
Alastair CULHAM

Publications de l'auteur


Notes on South-East Asian Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae, Ericales): commonly misidentified species in mainland South-East Asia

MEEPROM N., DUANGJAI S., UTTERIDGE T.M.A., CULHAM A. & PUGLISI C. 2024. Notes on South-East Asian Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae, Ericales): commonly misidentified species in mainland South-East Asia. European Journal of Taxonomy 932: 225–251.

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Lectotypification of Indochinese Ebenaceae published by P. H. Lecomte (1925-1930)

MEEPROM N., UTTERIDGE T. M. A., CULHAM A. & PUGLISI C. 2022. — Lectotypification of Indochinese Ebenaceae published by P. H. Lecomte (1925-1930). Adansonia 44 (12): 115-132.

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New species and new status of Urophyllum Wall. (Rubiaceae) from Cambodia and Viêtnam

YOOPRASERT S., CULHAM A., TAGANE S., YAHARA T., NGUYEN V. D., NGUYEN K. S. & UTTERIDGE T. M. A. 2022. — New species and new status of Urophyllum Wall. (Rubiaceae) from Cambodia and Viêtnam. Adansonia 2022 (11): 91-114.

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