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A new method for sampling potentially toxic benthic dinoflagellates

Article - Cryptogamie, Algologie 33 (2) - 25/05/2012

collecting sediments where necessary. According to in situ observations, it was highlighted that Ostreopsis ... C., DE STEFANO M., FACCA C. & GHIRARDELLI L.A., 2003 — Microfitobenthos. In: Manuale di ...

Analyses d'ouvrages

Article - Cryptogamie, Algologie 30 (4) - 27/11/2009

identifications and observations made during the workshop. The taxonomic accounts include tentative, ... continental western Europe. Pierre Compère Jardin Botanique National de Belgique Domein van Bouchout B-1860 ...

A note on exotic animals from medieval and post-medieval London

Article - Anthropozoologica 16 - 01/10/1992

high-quality oil (JACKSON, 1978) and ANTHROPOZOOLOGICA, 1992, N° 16 were occasionally used as building material ...

Introduction à la section IV- Europe post-paléolithique

Article - Anthropozoologica 25-26 - 01/06/1998

ANTHROPOZOOLOGICA. 1997, N" 25, 26 ...

Introductory note to Neogene paleoenvironments in the Mediterranean realm

Article - Geodiversitas 29 (3) - 28/09/2007

in the Mediterranean realm Sevket SEN Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Histoire de ... landscapes. Th en, a crucial question arises: is the climate of the Earth something stable, having fi xed ...

Effect of old-growth forest attributes on lichen species abundances: a study performed within Ceahlău National Park (Romania)

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 36 (4) - 25/12/2015

in the next paragraphs the observed relationships between three macro- and three microvariables and ... lichen species abundance: – degree of illumination: moderate positive correlations were observed between ... in the studied area. Greater abundance of p. glauca, h. physodes and Lepraria ssp. were observed on ...

The bryophyte flora of the natural park of Serra da Estrela (Portugal): Conservation and Biogeographical approaches

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 29 (1) - 25/01/2008

GARCIAa*, Cecilia SÉRGIOa & Jan JANSENb aUniversidade de Lisboa.Museu Nacional de História Natural. ... Jardim Botânico/Centro de Ecologia e Biologia Vegetal da Faculdade de Ciências. Rua da Escola ... (subarctic-subalpine). 17. Polytrichum alpinum Hedw. (subarctic-subalpine). 18. Grimmia curvata (Brid.) De Sloover ...

Poaceascoma helicoides gen et sp. nov., a new genus with scolecospores in Lentitheciaceae

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 36 (2) - 26/06/2015

envelope. Examination, observations and description were made following the methods described in Phookamsak ... (Rabenhorst, 1857; W.J. Li, personal observations). The generic type of Leptospora, L. porphyrogona (Tode) ... spirals in the asci and does not stain the host red. W.J. Li (personal observation) examined Leptospora ...

Three new species of European Coletinia Wygodzinsky (Zygentoma, Nicoletiidae), with additional records and an updated identification key

Article - European Journal of Taxonomy 798 (EJT) - 04/03/2022

Nicoletiidae (order Zygentoma = Thysanura s. str.) in Europe: C. dalmatica Molero-Baltanás, Fišer, Bach de ... Roca & Gaju-Ricart sp. nov. from Croatia, C. dextra Molero-Baltanás, Bach de Roca & Gaju-Ricart ... sp. nov. from Spain and C. serrata Mendes, Molero-Baltanás, Bach de Roca & Gaju-Ricart sp. nov. from ...

A tribute to Isabella Aiona Abbott on the occasion of her 85th birthday. Happy Birthday Izzie!

Article - Cryptogamie, Algologie 25 (3) - 27/08/2004

222 Huisman J. & Norris J.N. Fig. 3. Salutations: Bruno de Reviers, Mike Foster, Mike Guiry. ... 129-132. 18. ABBOTT I.A. — Observations on Liagorophila endophytica, a rare species in the Acrochaetiaceae ... — Morphologic and taxonomic observations on Neoagardhiella (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta), with emphasis on Pacific ...
