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Multifurca (Russulales), a genus new to China

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 31 (1) - 26/03/2010

Basidiospores were observed and measured in Melzer’s reagent in sideview, excluding ornamentation and apiculus. ... macrocystidia, which were described as “not observed and either extremely rare or absent” by Buyck & ... Naturelle, Paris, France, Dr. L.Montoya, Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa, México, and Dr. Z.L. Yang, Kunming ...

Guignardia/Phyllosticta species on banana

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 31 (4) - 31/12/2010

cotton blue. The 95% confidence intervals were derived from 30 observations of spores formed on water ... flattened, dark brown cells, darkest around the ostiole (Figs. 3-5, 17). Pseudoparaphyses not observed. Asci ... darkest around the ostiole, hyaline towards the lower region (Fig. 20). Pseudoparaphyses not observed ...

Austral Hepaticae 42. The Austral species of Mnioloma (Calypogeiaceae), together with a new species, Mnioloma novaezelandiae n. sp.

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27 (1) - 27/01/2006

95-128, Figs 1-41. BISCHLER H., 1970 — Les espèces du genre Calypogeia sur le continent africain et les ... cells with some markings rounded in profile to at most short elliptic, i.e., the sur- face not becoming ...

NrITS sequences and morphology indicate a synonymy of the Patagonian Plagiochila rufescens Steph. and the Central American Plagiochila bicuspidata Gottsche

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 25 (1) - 30/01/2004

* Correspondence and reprints: jheinri@gwdg.de stems are completely denuded. The taxonomic significance of these ... units. Hässel de Menendez (1983) kept both taxa separate and doubted the occurrence of P. exigua [as P. ... observation of the peppermint odour led to a closer investigation of P. rufescens and its allies. MATERIALS ...

New synonyms and new lectotypifications in neotropical Plagiochila (Marchantiophyta)

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 36 (4) - 30/10/2015

“adianthoi-des”. Apparently “adianthoi-” was a printing error that occurred in some copies of the book, including ... crispabilis Lindenb., Sp. hepat. 1: 15. 1839. type: Brazil, Serra de Estrella, Beyrich s.n. (lectotype, W 1817 ... Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, de Lambert s.n. (lectotype, W-Lindenberg; isolectotype, PC-Montagne PC0167679!). ...

New synonyms in Plagiochila (Hepaticae) II

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23 (4) - 25/10/2002

jheinri@gwdg.de 352 Jochen Heinrichs Fig. 1. Plagiochila stricta (A-D), P. vincentina (E-G), P. fuscolutea (H, I), ... 800-1200 m, 1868, Husnot s.n. (Pl. des Antilles 215) (paralectoypes, G 026272 & G 026274 [c.per.]; ...

Three new species of Lactarius (Russulaceae) from Sikkim, India

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 32 (4) - 30/12/2011

Nikon D300s. Micromorphological characters were observed from the dry samples mounted in a mixture of 5% ... then scanned with gold coating at different magnifications in high vacuum mode to observe patterns of ... that is also reflected in the microscopy, where we observe a thick ixotrichoderm with a very distinct ...

Studies in Perenniporia s.l. (Polyporaceae): African taxa VII. Truncospora oboensis sp. nov., an undescribed species from high elevation cloud forest of São Tome

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 32 (4) - 30/12/2011

I, II. In: Kavina K. and Pilat A. (eds.), Atlas des Champignons de!'Europe, Vol. 3, 624 p. (part ... forest of Sao Tome Cony DECOCK Mycotheque de l'Universite catholique de Louvain (MUCL, BCCM™), Earth ... and Life Institute- Microbiology (ELIM)- Mycology, Universite catholique de Louvain, Croix du Sud ...

Cercospora and allied genera from Laos 2

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 31 (2) - 25/06/2010

fungal structures Macroscopic characters were observed using a stereoscope to check (1) lesions/leaf ...

Novel Neoacanthostigma species from aquatic habitats

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 38 (2) - 30/06/2017

G ui zh ou C ul tu re C ol le ct io n, G ui zh ou A ca de m y of A gr ic ul tu ra lS ci en ce s, G ui ... ud y an d th ei r G en B an k ac ce ss io n nu m be rs fo r IT S, LS U an d TE F1 α D N A se qu en ce ... da ta Ta xa C ul tu re ac ce ss io n N o. b G en Ba nk Ac ce ss io n N o. Re fe re nc es IT S LS U TE ...
