A catalogue of the subtribes Phaegopterina Kirby, 1892 (151 genera, 1720 species, 97 subspecies and 252 synonyms), Arctiina Leach, [1815] (7 genera, 89 species, 3 subspecies and 26 synonyms), Spilosomina Seitz, 1910 (23 genera, 244 species, 22 subspecies and 71 synonyms), Callimorphina Walker, [1865] (1 genus, 6 species, 1 subspecies and 12 synonyms) and Pericopina Walker, [1865] (38 genera, 360 species, 30 subspecies and 126 synonyms) of the Neotropical Region (from Mexico to the southern end of South America) is presented. Under each species name, data on the type specimen, type locality and the acronym of the institution where the type specimen is deposited are provided. Forty-three not available infrasubspecific names and 32 not available manuscript names are also listed. The bibliographical references of all the original descriptions are provided. Lectotypes are designated for the following 51 taxa: Idalus fasciipuncta (Rothschild, 1909); Idalus bicolorella (Strand, 1919); Aphyle affinis Rothschild, 1909; Zatrephes rufescens Rothschild, 1909; Zatrephes subflavescens Rothschild, 1909; Symphlebia fulminans (Rothschild, 1910); Symphlebia hyalina (Rothschild, 1909); Amaxia pulchra Rothschild, 1909; Araeomolis persimilis Rothschild, 1909; Eriostepta fulvescens Rothschild, 1909; Hyponerita similis Rothschild, 1909; Hyponerita persimilis Rothschild, 1909; Coiffaitarctia ockendeni (Rothschild, 1909); Trichromia polyxenoides (Rothschild, 1909); Trichromia sithnides lavendulae (Rothschild, 1909); Trichromia postrosea (Rothschild, 1917); Trichromia inequalis (Rothschild, 1909); Trichromia triangularis (Rothschild, 1909); Trichromia persimilis (Rothschild, 1909); Rhipha subflammans (Rothschild, 1909); Ormetica luteola (Rothschild, 1909); Ernassa cruenta (Rothschild, 1909); Cresera affinis (Rothschild, 1909b); Melese drucei Rothschild, 1909; Melese nigromaculata Rothschild, 1909; Pachydota drucei Rothschild, 1909; Pachydota punctata Rothschild, 1909; Baritius eleutheroides Rothschild, 1909; Baritius grandis Rothschild, 1909; Pelochyta brunnescens Rothschild, 1909; Elysius conjunctus Rothschild, 1910; Amastus flavicauda Rothschild, 1909; Amastus affinis Rothschild, 1909; Amastus muscosa (Rothschild, 1909); Amastus mossi (Rothschild, 1922); Turuptiana affinis Rothschild, 1909; Lophocampa subvitreata (Rothschild, 1922); Lophocampa meridionalis obsolescens (Rothschild, 1910); Lophocampa major (Rothschild, 1910); Lophocampa walkeri (Rothschild, 1910); Lophocampa aenone (Butler, 1878); Lophocampa maroniensis buchwaldi (Rothschild, 1910); Lophocampa sobrinoides (Rothschild, 1910); Leucanopsis liparoides (Rothschild, 1909); Leucanopsis nonagrioides (Rothschild, 1910); Leucanopsis pseudomanda (Rothschild, 1910); Leucanopsis stipulata (Rothschild, 1909); Leucanopsis subnebulosa (Strand, 1919); Leucanopsis nebulosa (Rothschild, 1909); Leucanopsis luridioides (Rothschild, 1917); Leucanopsis falacroides (Rothschild, 1909). All these lectotypes are housed in BMNH. The type species of each valid genus in the subtribes Phaegopterina, Arctiina, Spilosomina and Callimorphina are illustrated with their type specimens, when available; otherwise, a non type specimen of the type species is figured.
Arctiini, Phaegopterina, Arctiina, Spilosomina, Callimorphina, Pericopina, Neotropical, catalogue, lectotypification, type specimen, type locality.