Nineteen species of Pectinoidea (16 Propeamussiidae, 3 Pectinidae) are herein listed. All species from the Solomon Islands (9 species), and New Caledonia (Norfolk Ridge [7], main island of New Caledonia [1], Grand Passage [1], Coral Sea [1]) are new records. Two Propeamussiidae species are new to science: Parvamussium orbiculatum n. sp. (Solomon Islands and Coral Sea) and Parvamussium perspicuum n. sp. (Vanuatu). One pectinid species from Vanuatu (Juxtamusium sp.) will be described later, when more material becomes available.
Mollusca, Bivalvia, Pectinoidea, Propeamussiidae, Pectinidae, Southwest Pacific, bathyal, new species, new records.