A computerized update of the diversity of locusts and grasshoppers has been achieved for Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Western Sahara. 241 species were recorded belonging to five families: Charilaidae Dirsh, 1953, Pamphagidae Burmeister, 1840, Pyrgomorphidae Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882, Acrididae MacLeay, 1821 and Dericorythidae Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905. Diagnosis is provided for species, genera and families, together with identification tools, by means of a computer-assisted identification procedure, using the software Xper2. Descriptive sheets of each taxon include nomenclatural data, diagnostic characters, and distributional maps, together with photographs of male and female specimens. This base is located on the website “Muséum des Scientifiques” of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, at the following address http://acrinwafrica.mnhn.fr.
photos species online, Xper2 assisted-identification.