
Révision du genre Entyposis Kolbe, 1894 (insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)


fr Zoosystema 34 (4) - Pages 721-735

Published on 28 December 2012

Revision of the genus Entyposis Kolbe, 1894 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)

The genus Entyposis Kolbe, 1894 is revised. The systematic position of this genus within the Schizonychini Burmeister, 1855 is discussed. Schizonycha cavicollis Fairmaire, 1887 is designated as genotype. Synonymies between Entyposis mendax Péringuey, 1904, Schizonycha nyukana Kolbe, 1910 and Entyposa montana Moser, 1913, are proposed. Lectotypes are designated for Schizonycha cavicollis, Schizonycha nyukana and Entyposa montana. Six new species are described and compared to their most related species: Entyposis bidentata n. sp., E. martinezi n. sp., E. rasplusi n. sp. and E. madogolelei n. sp. from Mozambique, E. excavata n. sp. from Tanzania and E. squamulata n. sp. from Kenya and Tanzania. The history of the genus and its included species is presented, and a key to species is given.


Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Schizonychini, Entyposis, eastern Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, new species, new synonymies.

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