
Les Dryinidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) du Vanuatu et des îles du Pacifique

Massimo OLMI & Claire VILLEMANT

fr Zoosystema 31 (3) - Pages 691-705

Published on 30 September 2009

This article is a part of the thematic issue SANTO 2006 Global Biodiversity Survey from sea bottom to ridge crests

Dryinidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from Vanuatu and Pacific islands

The study of the Hymenoptera collected during the SANTO 2006 expedition, led to the identification of six Dryinidae species, among which only three were already recorded from Vanuatu. A new species close to Anteon nigricorne (Perkins, 1905) is described from the Santo island: Anteon molisae n. sp., and two other are recorded for the first time in this archipelago: Aphelopus caledonicus Olmi, 1984, already known from Australia, New Guinea and New Caledonia, and Thaumatodryinus flavus Olmi, 1984, also recorded from Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and Solomon islands. The presence in Vanuatu of three other species is corroborated: Aphelopus papuensis Olmi, 1987, also known from Papua-New Guinea and Thaumatodryinus koebelei Perkins, 1905, known from Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and Fiji ; Gonatopus primitivus (Olmi, 1984), however, has never been recorded out of Vanuatu. A key to the dryinid species of Vanuatu is provided and the dryinid fauna compared with that of 17 other Pacific island groups.


Insecta, Hymenoptera, Dryinidae, Vanuatu, new species.

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