The scientific oeuvre of Renaud Paulian (1913-2003) was organized along three main axes. First, systematics and phylogeny of beetles, especially Scarabaeoidea. Second, morphology and biometrics, which he was interested in during the 1930’s, apparently a secondary domain according to the number of papers, but one of the most original and innovative of Paulian’s contributions. Lastly, tropical ecology, biogeography, and faunistics, especially in Madagascar. He was one of the innovators of the study of tropical forests canopy. His creativity has been demonstrated also by his students, by the many works he inspired, and by the collection Faune de Madagascar, an exceptional scientific monument of 92 volumes published over a period of 50 years.
Biography, science history, entomology, Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, biogeography, systematics, phylogeny, ecology, tropical rainforests, canopy, Madagascar.