
Collemboles de l'île de Socotra, République du Yémen

Jean-Auguste BARRA

fr Zoosystema 28 (1) - Pages 61-74

Published on 31 March 2006

Collembola from Socotra Island, Republic of Yemen

Two hundred and sixty specimens of Collembola have been collected, they belong to five known species and five new species which are described below: Neanura (N.) pohli n. sp., Isotomiella insulae n. sp., Isotomurus venustus n. sp., Lepidocyrtus dealbatus n. sp. and Troglopedetes vanharteni n. sp. Neanura (N.) pohli n. sp. is a whitish species with two ommatidia on both sides. The dorsal tubercules are badly differentiated but the position of the setae on them differentiates it from a close Lebanese species. Isotomiella insulae n. sp. belongs to the minor group, in addition of the referential characters (number and size of the setae), the density of the ciliated setae on the body differentiates it from a close Amazonian species. Isotomurus venustus n. sp. can be easily recognized by incomplete transversal pigmented bands, lack of trichobothria, but a mucro with an apical reduced tooth of Isotomurus type. This species is most closely related with Isotomurus antennalis Bagnall, 1940. Lepidocyrtus dealbatus n. sp. is a whitish species without cephalic macrochaetae. Troglopedetes vanharteni n. sp. is a whitish species with 3 + 3 pigmented ommatidia. It is more close to a blind species from Crete than to two other Asian species with three eyes on both sides.


Collembola, Neanuridae, Hypogastruridae, Isotomidae, Paronellidae, Entomobryidae, Socotra Island, Republic of Yemen, new species.

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