
Révision du genre Cerobates Schoenherr, 1840 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Brentidae)


fr Zoosystema 27 (3) - Pages 601-635

Published on 30 September 2005

Revision of the genus Cerobates Schoenherr, 1840 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Brentidae)

A revision of the genus Cerobates Schoenherr, 1840 (Coleoptera, Brentidae) is proposed, including four synonymisations: C. puerilis Kleine, 1936 = C. matanganus Damoiseau, 1987 n. syn.; C. birmanicus Senna, 1894 = C. collectivus Kleine, 1925 n. syn.; C. usambaricus Senna, 1896 = C. punctulatus Senna, 1898 n. syn.; C. cingulatus Kleine, 1939 = C. nigrothorax Damoiseau, 1987 n. syn. The females of two species (C. maai Damoiseau, 1987, and C. pasteuri Senna, 1898) are reported for the first time, and a new species (C. zazae n. sp.) is described from New Guinea. It differs from the other known species of the genus by the strong carinae under the prothorax of the males and by the form of the male and female genitalia. An identification key, including all the species of the genus, is provided, as well as some original biogeographical datas. At last, the systematic positions of the different species within the genus are assessed upon suspected synapomorphies, and the monophyly of the subgenera Cerobates s.s. and Ionthocerus Lacordaire, 1866 is discussed. The last one seems to be monophyletic if the species C. (I.) curtus Damoiseau, 1967 is excluded.


Insecta, Coleoptera, Brentidae, Cerobates, Ionthocerus, revision, synonymy, identification key, new species.

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