Three new species of predaceous midges of the genus Alluaudomyia Kieffer, 1913: A. debilipenis n. sp., A. finitima n. sp., and A. simulata n. sp., are described from the coastal district of West Bengal, India. A. debilipenis n. sp. is distinguished from other species by feeble caudolateral points of aedeagus, colour pattern of legs, nature and distribution of wing spots. A. finitima n. sp. is distinguished by the absence of darkish spots in cells M1, M2 and M4, colour pattern of thorax, legs and structure of spermatheca. A. simulata n. sp. differs by similar small dark wing markings in the cells of the wing, its absence on the medio-cubital fork, unique spotless cell M4 and features of male genitalia.
Insecta, Diptera, Ceratopogonidae, Alluaudomyia, coastal region, West Bengal, new species.