
The Hymenosomatidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) of Timika, Irian Jaya, Indonesia

Dwi Listyo RAHAYU & Peter K. L. NG

en Zoosystema 26 (1) - Pages 87-94

Published on 26 March 2004

Two new species and three new records of hymenosomatid crabs are reported from Timika, southwest coast of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Neorhynchoplax elongata n. sp. differs from its congeners in the combination of an elongated carapace with a trilobate rostrum that has shorter lateral spines than the median one. Amarinus pristes n. sp. resembles A. wolterecki (Balss, 1934) and A. crenulatus Ng & Chuang, 1996, but differs in the form of male first gonopod and its relatively shorter ambulatory pereiopods. Elamenopsis lineata A. Milne Edwards, 1873, Halicarcinus bedfordi Montgomery, 1931, and Neorhyncoplax aspinifera (Lucas, 1980) are new records for Indonesian waters.


Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Hymenosomatidae, Indonesia, new species, new records.

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