
A new species of amphipod from the Brazilian coast, with description of Hyale spinidactyla Chevreux, 1925 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyalidae)

Cristiana S. SEREJO

en Zoosystema 23 (3) - Pages 479-492

Published on 28 September 2001

Samples collected in the intertidal zone of the Brazilian coast, mainly on algae, provided material for the description of Hyale youngi n. sp. The new species is characterized by the presence of a large setae on dactylus of pereopods 3-7; the propodus posterior margin of pereopods 6-7 lacking setae; the two well-developed disto-lateral spines on peduncle of uropod 1; and four marginal spines on the peduncle of uropod 2. The syntype series of Hyale spinidactyla Chevreux, 1925 was examined and redescribed for comparison to H. youngi n. sp., and a lectotype designated. Hyale youngi n. sp. is part of the Hyale spinidactyla complex, which also includes H. ramalhoi Reid, 1939, H. spinidactyla Chevreux, 1925, and H. spinidactyloides Schellenberg, 1939. This complex is known only to the Atlantic Ocean and is characterized by the presence of a stout striate setae on the dactylus of pereopods 3-7. A key to the Brazilian species of Hyale is presented.


Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyalidae, Hyale, Brazil, new species.

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