The fine structure of gametocytes of five species of Haemoproteus from reptilian hosts was compared. The species were: H. edomensis from Agama stellio, collected East of Jerusalem; H. mackerrasi from Heteronotia binoei and H. oedurae from Oedura castelnaui, both from Northeast Australia; H. ptyodactyli from Ptyodactylus hasselquistii from the Jordan valley, and H. tarentolae from Tarentola mauritanica of Southwest France. All gametocytes showed close conformity with the previously studied reptilian and avian species of Haemoproteus as well as with the several known species of Plasmodium of reptiles and birds, in their being bound by a three-layered limiting membrane system, and in their cytoplasmic organization. At the same time, each species showed distinguishable characteristic configurations: a trapezoid organelle in H. edomensis, a large electron-lucent central space in H. tarentolae and, unlike the previous studied species, osmiophilic bodies were found: small and elongated in H. oedurae, very small and round in H. ptyodactyli, large and round in H. tarentolae. The presumed microgametocytes of these last three species exhibited also a lobated nucleus.
Haemoproteus, Agama, gecko, lizard, electron microscopy, gametocytes.