The Hadim Nappe which is one of the allochthonous tectonic units in the Tauride Belt includes continuous stratigraphic successions from Middle(?)-Late Devonian to Late Cretaceous. The well exposed successions of the Moscovian to lower Kasimovian are selected for fusulinid biostratigraphy along three sections (Yassıpınar, Gölbelen and Bademli) in the Central Taurides. The Lower-Middle Pennsylvanian boundary was determined by the first appearance datum of the Aljutovella aljutovica (Rauzer-Chernousova, 1938) and Solovievaia ovata ovata (Rauzer-Chernousova, 1938). In this study, the Vereian, Kashirian, Podolskian and Myachkovian regional substages of the Moscovian stage were determined by Aljutovella aljutovica-Solovievaia ovata ovata, Aljutovella priscoidea (Rauzer-Chernousova, 1938), Eofusulina triangula (Rauzer-Chernousova & Belyaev in Rauzer-Chernousova, Belyaev & Reitlinger, 1936), Fusulinella vozhgalensis devexa Rauzer-Chernousova in Rauzer-Chernousova, Gryzlova, Kireeva, Leontovich, Safonova & Chernova, 1951, Beedeina schellwieni (Staff in Schellwien & Staff, 1912) and Fusulinella bocki bocki Möller, 1878 in ascending order. The base of the lower Kasimovian is represented by the occurrence of Quasifusulinoides Rauzer-Chernousova & Rozovskaya in Rauzer-Chernousova & Fursenko, 1959, Protriticites Putrya, 1948 and Montiparus Rozovskaya, 1948 taxa. A total of 106 fusulinid species belonging to 19 genera were determined. One genus and ten species are new: Aljutovella typica Akbaş, n. sp., Beedeina minuta Akbaş, n. sp., Beedeina tauridiana Akbaş, n. sp., Praefusulinella guvenci Akbaş, n. gen., n. sp., Praefusulinella okuyucui Akbaş, n. gen., n. sp., Praefusulinella rhombiforma Akbaş, n. gen., n. sp., Praefusulinella tekini Akbaş, n. gen., n. sp., Fusulinella absoluta Akbaş, n. sp., Fusulinella obtusa minuta Akbaş, n. subsp. and Fusulinella propriaforma Akbaş, n. sp. The taxonomic positions of some fusulinids species (e.g., Neostaffella larionovae polasnensis (Rauzer-Chernousova & Safonova in Rauzer-Chernousova, Gryzlova, Kireeva, Leontovich, Safonova & Chernova, 1951), Depratina chernovi (Rauzer-Chernousova, Gryzlova, Kireeva, Leontovich, Safonova & Chernova, 1951), Solovievaia arta (Leontovich in Rauzer-Chernousova, Gryzlova, Kireeva, Leontovich, Safonova & Chernova, 1951) and Beedeina paradistenta (Safonova in Rauzer-Chernousova, Gryzlova, Kireeva, Leontovich, Safonova & Chernova, 1951) were revised. The fusulinid assemblages recovered in this study correlate well with the Russian Platform, Cantabrian Mountains, Central Iran, southern Urals, Donets Basin, and some other regions of the Tethyan Realm.
Fusulinid, Moscovian, Kasimovian, Turkey, new combinations, new genus, new species