
Revision of the family Hemiporitidae (Scleractinia, Late Cretaceous)

Hannes LÖSER

en Geodiversitas 34 (2) - Pages 399-407

Published on 29 June 2012

The Late Cretaceous scleractinian family Hemiporitidae (suborder Faviina) is revised. The family is characterized by having large trabeculae, compact and strong septa with poor ornamentation at their lateral faces, short and non-confluent costae, a strong lamellar columella, a septothecal wall, and an endotheca made of thick tabulae. Together with the name-giving genus Hemiporites Alloiteau, 1952, the two coral genera Cerionefocoenia Reig Oriol, 1995 and Pachynefocoenia Reig Oriol, 1989 from the Late Cretaceous of Spain are assigned to the family. All genera are revised on the basis of the types of their respective type species. Further genera formerly or currently assigned to the Hemiporitidae family are discussed. The family occurs from the Turonian to Maastrichtian.


Scleractinia, Hemiporitidae, Late Cretaceous

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