
Metaconularia? pyramidata (Bronn, 1837): a scyphozoan from the Ordovician of Normandy, France, recorded for the first time as a reworked fossil in the Triassic of Devon, England

Consuelo SENDINO, Paul D. TAYLOR & Heyo VAN ITEN

en Geodiversitas 34 (2) - Pages 283-296

Published on 29 June 2012

A conulariid originally figured by Deslongchamps (1825) from the Gre's de May (Caradoc) of Normandy as "Conulaire ondulée (var.)" is revised. It is one of the first conulariids to have been figured in the literature. This large species, preserved as sandstone steinkerns, has usually been referred to as Conularia pyramidata Hoeninghaus, 1830. However, Hoeninghaus' publication does not satisfy criteria of availability and the species should instead be attributed to Bronn, as Metaconularia? Pyramidata (Bronn, 1837). A lectotype is chosen from the Bronn Collection. Metaconularia? Pyramidata is recorded for the first time reworked into the Triassic Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds Formation of Devon, England.


Cnidaria, Conulariida, Ordovician, Triassic, reworked fossils, lectotypification, taxonomy

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