
The position of Akkaşdağı mammal locality in the neo-tectonic framework of Çankırı basin, Turkey

Gürol SEYITOĞLU, Levent KARADENIZLI, Nizamettin KAZANCI & Sevket SEN

en Geodiversitas 27 (4) - Pages 519-525

Published on 31 December 2005

This article is a part of the thematic issue Geology, mammals and environments at Akkașdağı, late Miocene of Central Anatolia

This paper presents tectonic features of the southern part of Çankırı basin where is located the rich late Miocene mammal locality of Akkașdağı. Field observations and mapping demonstrated that the late Miocene-Pliocene deposits unconformaly overlie the pre-Neogene basement. The overall thickness of Neogene deposits increases toward NE. Horst-graben structure of pre- Neogene basement indicates that the Miocene fill took place under extensional tectonics which enlarged the basin toward SW.


Tectonics, Miocene, Çankırı basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey

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