Chelisoficula caussaneli n. gen., n. sp. and two other representatives of Dermaptera incertae familiae are described from the lowermost Eocene amber of the Paris basin. C. caussaneli n. gen., n. sp. has a unique structure of the cerci with tuft of spiny hairs. Its position relative to both the Forficulidae and Chelichosidae is not solved, because of a conflicting distribution in Chelisoficula n. gen. of the characters currently used to discriminate these families. More extensive studies of the phylogenetic relationships between these families and new characters shall be necessary for future progresses in dermapteran phylogenetic analysis.
Insecta, Dermaptera, Forficulidae, Chelichosidae, Chelisoficula caussaneli n. gen., n. sp., lowermost Eocene, France, fossil, amber, phylogeny, new genus, new species