
Organisation séquentielle de la plate-forme carbonatée messinienne du seuil pélagien à Lampedusa (Méditerranée centrale)

Jean-Pierre ANDRÉ, Jean-Jacques CORNÉE, Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN & Philippe LAPOINTE

fr Geodiversitas 24 (3) - Pages 625-639

Published on 30 September 2002

This article is a part of the thematic issue Messinia event: palaeobiological and palaeoecological approaches

Sequence stratigraphy of the Messinian carbonate platform of the Pelagian shoal in Lampedusa (Central Mediterranean)

In the Sicilian-Tunisian shoal, Central Mediterranean, the Lampedusa Island exhibits a 120 m thick Messinian aggradational carbonate sequence with coral reefs. The lower part was deposited in a ramp or inner platform setting, with abundant reef banks especially southeastward. Depositional environments suggest constant accomodation, with accomodation rises mainly balanced by bioclastic production. The upper part of the sequence was deposited in a shallow water inner reefal platform setting, with coral patches or stacked reefs indicating high frequency rising accomodation events. Finally, the reefal platform was infilled by restricted thrombolitic-stromatolitic deposits. Coral reefs and sequential evolution are very briefly compared with those of other Messinian carbonate deposits of the western Mediterranean.


Messinian, Central Mediterranean, carbonate platform, coral reefs, sequences

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