
Première observation du genre Pulvinites (Mollusca, Bivalvia) dans le Danien (Paléocène inférieur) de Vigny (Val-d'Oise, France)

Jean-Michel PACAUD

fr Geodiversitas 23 (1) - Pages 5-16

Published on 30 March 2001

First report of genus Pulvinites (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in the Danian (lower Paleocene) from Vigny (Val-d'Oise, France)

Four complete specimens of a bivalve belonging to the genus Pulvinites Blainville, 1824 (Pterioidea, Pulvinitidae) have been collected in the Danian (lower Paleocene) reefal linestone of Vigny (Val-d'Oise, France). Pulvinites (s.s.) dysporista n. sp. is described. This is the first report of the member of family Pulvinitidae in the European Cenozoic, the only other post-Mesozoic species records of Pulvinites being from Danian (lower Paleocene) of Egypt, from Thanetian (upper Paleocene) of California and Virginia as also in Recent of Australia. Its specific content and stratigraphical range are also briefly analyzed.


Bivalvia, Pulvinitidae, Pulvinites (s.s.) dysporista n. sp., lower Paleocene, Danian, Vigny, France, first report

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