
Présence du Cervidé Megaloceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti (Depéret, 1897) dans le gisement pléistocène de Corte (Corse)

Elisabeth PEREIRA

fr Geodiversitas 22 (3) - Pages 433-455

Published on 29 September 2000

Presence of the cervid Megaloceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti (Depéret, 1897) in the pleistocene deposit of Corte (Corsica)

Since 1998, excavations of a Pleistocene deposit near Corte (Haute-Corse) have yielded 344 deer remains. In the lack of antlers, the study of teeth is used here for the specific determination. Morphological and metrical teeth comparisons with other endemics deer permit us to attribue these fossil remains to Megaloceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti (Depéret, 1897), only known in the late Pleistocene layers of Corsica and Sardinia.


Cervidae, Corsica, Corte, Pleistocene, Megaloceros cazioti

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