
Permian Albaillellaria (Radiolaria) from a limestone lens at the Arrow Rocks in the Waipapa Terrane (Northland, New Zealand)

Atsushi TAKEMURA, Tami MORIMOTO, Yoshiaki AITA, Rie S. HORI, Yasushi HIGUCHI, Bernhard K. SPÖRLI, Hamish J. CAMPBELL, Kazuto KODAMA & Toyosaburo SAKAI

en Geodiversitas 21 (4) - Pages 751-765

Published on 24 December 1999

This article is a part of the thematic issue InterRad VIII, Paris/Bierville 8-13 septembre 1997

Well-preserved Permian radiolarians are present in a limestone lens at Arrow Rocks in the Whangaroa Area within Waipapa Terrane, New Zealand. This fauna contains eight species of albaillellarians, six species of genus Follicucullus and two of Pseudoalbaillella, and is Late Middle to Early Late Permian in age. In the Whangaroa Area, basalts are probably as old as Middle Permian, while cherts are mostly Late Permian. Although the radiolarian fauna from Arrow Rocks contains two new species of Follicucullus, this fauna can nevertheless be assigned a low-latitude origin. Two new species, Follicucullus sphaericus and Follicucullus whangaroaensis, are described.


Radiolaria, Albaillellaria, Permian, New Zealand, Waipapa Terrane, Follicucullus, Arrow Rocks, new species

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