
Les sédiments métallifères des fosses Atlantis II, Néréus et Commission I de la mer Rouge. Campagne MD 29 du Marion Dufresne (1981). Collections Lithothèque marine du Muséum


fr Geodiversitas 20 (2) - Pages 155-228

Published on 07 July 1998

The metalliferous sediments from different deeps of the Red Sea (Atlantis II, Nereus and Commission I) collected during the Leg 29 of the Marion Dufresne (1981). Collections of the marine core repository of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle

During the Leg 29 of the Marion Dufresne (1981), thirty-four piston cores were collected in the metalliferous sediments deeps of the Central Rift Valley of the Red Sea (Atlantis II, Nereus and Commission I). The main amorphous or crystallized minerals from these sediments are recognized and permit proposing a vertical distribution of sedimentological facies in regard to lithological sequences of Backer & Richter (1973). A chemical analysis of Ni, Cu, Co, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn is used to identify the origin of these major elements. Metric, centimetric and even millimetric bedding of deposits is related to stratification and homogenization processes within the hot brines pool.


Red Sea, deeps, metalliferous sediments, beddings, hot brines, oxy-hydroxydes, sulphides, sulphates, carbonates, authigenic silicates

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