The fauna of Li Mae Long (Lamphun district, Thailand) includes thirty three Placental Mammals, with five Insectivora (Thaiagymnura equilateralis n.g. n.sp., Hylomys engesseri n.sp., Neotetracus butleri n.sp., Erinaceidae indet. cf. Mioechinus, Scapanulus lampounensis n.sp.), nine Bats (? Taphonous sp., Megaderma sp., Rhinolophus yongyuthsi n.sp., Hipposideros (Brachipposideros) khengkao n.sp., Hipposideros felix n.sp., Rhinolophoidea indet., Ia lanna n.sp., Rhizomops mengraii n.sp., Vespertilionidea indet.), one Scandentia (Tupaia miocenica n.sp.), two Primates (? Nycticebus linglom n.sp. and Tarsius thailandica), eight Rodents (Ratufa maelongensis, ? Atlantoxerus sp., Diatomys liensis, Democricetodon kaonou n.sp., Spanocricetodon janvieri n.sp., Prokanisamys benjavuni, Potwarmus thailandicus, Neocometes orientalis), two Carnivores, one Proboscidean, one Perissodactyl and four Artiodactyls (Conohyus sindiensis, Siamotragulus haripounchai n.sp., Stephanocemas rucha and ? Homoiodorcas sp.). The genus Diatomys does not show any adaptation for jumping. It is definitively not a Pedetid and constitutes the type of a new family, the Diatomyidae nov. The genus Fallomus belongs perhaps to this family. Nevertheless it presents a good plausible ancestor for Diatomys. The age is the beginning of MN4. The environment of Li Mae Long is discussed. It was a tropical forest near a very shallow lake.
Mammals, Miocene, Asia, systematics, biostratigraphy, paleoenvironment