
Stratigraphic correlation of the Upper Permian deposits from the south of the Cis-Ural marginal Trough and the adjacent areas of the Russian Plate


en Geodiversitas 19 (2) - Pages 247-259

Published on 24 June 1997

This article is a part of the thematic issue Peri-Tethy: stratigraphic correlations 1

Studied in detail were about 100 sections of the Upper Permian marine and continental deposits from the South Cis-Urals: from the south-eastern edge of the Russian Plate and the Cis-Ural Trough. Characteristic complexes of marine and non-marine ostracods were distinguished. All the regional stratigraphic units of the Upper Permian were characterized in detail from micropaleontologic point of view. Associated organic remains were specified: tetrapods, bivalves, miospores. Brief lithologo-facies descriptions of the sections from various structural zones are presented. Detailed correlations of the Upper Permian sections from the South Cis-Urals were carried out.


Upper Permian, stratigraphy, correlation, South Cis-Urals, Cis-Ural Trough, Russian Plate

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