
Liste des types d'oiseaux des collectionsdu Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (France) 3. Podicipédiformes

Jean-François VOISIN

fr Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section A – Zoologie, Biologie et Écologie animales 17 (3-4) - Page

Published on 21 December 1995

List of types of birds in the collections of the National Museum of Natural History (France) 3. Podicipédiforms

The types of seven Podicipediform (grebes) taxa are reviewed critically. Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for Podiceps Rolland Quoy & Gaimard, 1831, P. americanus Garnot in Lesson, 1828, P. chilensis Garnot in Lesson, 1828, and P. occipitalis Garnot, 1826. It was not possible to establish on which specimens the description of P. albicollis Lesson, 1831 was based. This taxon is only the immature plumage of P. rolland.


Birds, types, Podicipediforms