
Description de Bordea, nouveau genre endémique d'Araignées des Pyrénées (Araneae : Linyphiidae)


fr Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section A – Zoologie, Biologie et Écologie animales 17 (1-2) - Pages 87-94

Published on 17 November 1995

Description of Bordea, a new endemic spider genus from the Pyrénées (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

To receive the species Lepthyphantes cavicola (Simon) and Lepthyphantes negrei Dresco, the new genus Bordea is created, endemic to the Pyrénées, distinguished from Lepthyphantes by the tibial tubercles in the male palp, and by the long, unfolded scape in the female. The following new synonyms and combinations are proposed: Lepthyphantes coiffaiti Denis, 1953 = Lepthyphantes cavicola (Simon, 1884) n. syn. = Bordea cavicola (Simon) n. comb.; Lepthyphantes ecclesiasticus Denis, 1959 = Lepthyphantes negrei Dresco, 1951 n. syn. = Bordea negrei (Dresco) n. comb.


Linyphiidae, Lepthyphantes, Pyrénées