
Novitates gabonenses 23. Delpydora (Sapotaceae), its taxonomy and myrmecophily

Franciscus J. BRETELER & Th. NZABI

en Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 4ème série – section B, Adansonia : Botanique, Phytochimie 17 (1-2) - Pages 29-38

Published on 18 July 1995

The African genus Delpydora of the Sapotaceae is revised taxonomically. The flowers hitherto described as bisexual are shown to be primarily unisexual. Full descriptions of the two species are given and their distributions illustrated. Gabon may be considered as the centre of diversity for the genus. The presence or absence of ant pouches in the leaves is discussed in relation with similar provisions in other African plant species. The geographical distribution of taxa possessing these structures is remarkable, being mainly confined to Central Africa.