
Taxonomical and nomenclatural notes on the moss Ceratodon conicus (Ditrichaceae, Bryophyta)


en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 39 (2) - Pages 195-200

Published on 27 April 2018

A revision of the nomenclatural and taxonomical data related to Ceratodon conicus (Hampe ex Müll. Hal.) Lindb. and its synonyms published by Burley & Pritchard (1990) was carried out. The lectotype designated from material filed in GOET was confirmed, but the material from duplicates of lectotype specimens filed in FH, GOET, and MANH was found not corresponding with the protologue of the species. In addition, the types of three synonyms of Ceratodon conicus, C. cedricola J.J Amann from Z+ZT, C. dimorphus H. Philib. from BM, and C. purpureus var. graefii Limpr. from BR, designated as holotypes by Burley & Pritchard, are here designated as lectotypes as no unequivocal original specimen exists in any case. Finally, Ceratodon purpureus var. graefii is better considered to be a synonym of C. purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. sensu lato, as its morphological characteristics match the description of this species and not that of C. conicus.

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