
The moss genus Zygodon (Orthotrichaceae) in Poland – distribution, ecological preferences and threats


en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 38 (3) - Pages 231-251

Published on 28 July 2017

The moss genus Zygodon Hook. & Taylor (Orthotrichaceae) is represented by five species in Poland, namely: Z. dentatus (Limpr.) Kartt., Z. gracilis Wilson, Z. rupestris Schimp. ex A.W.H.Walth. & Molendo, Z. stirtonii Schimp. and Z. viridissimus (Dicks.) Brid. Their current distribution in Poland is reviewed and mapped, and lists of their localities are presented. The ecological preferences, altitudinal limits, reproduction and threats for each species are shortly discussed. A key for determination of these species is given.

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