
Mosses in the family Pottiaceae newly reported for the Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, West Africa

Philip SOLLMAN, James R. SHEVOCK & César A. GARCIA

en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37 (4) - Pages 455-461

Published on 28 October 2016

Twelve mosses within nine genera of Pottiaceae, including Anoectangium aestivum (Hedw.) Mitt., A. stracheyanum Mitt., Barbula cf. seramensis H.Akiyama, Chionoloma bombayense (Müll.Hal.) P.Sollman, Gymnostomiella erosula (Müll.Hal. ex Dusén) Arts, G. vernicosa (Harv.) M.Fleisch., Hydrogonium consanguineum (Thwaites & Mitt.) Hilp., H. orientale (F.Weber) Kučera, Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (Hedw.) Dixon, Hyophila involuta (Hook.) A.Jaeger, Leptodontium viticulosoides (P.Beauv.) Wijk & Margad. and Splachnobryum obtusum (Brid.) Müll.Hal., are newly reported for São Tomé and Príncipe and eight of these species represent the first report for the Gulf of Guinea islands. Notes on habitat and distribution are provided.

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