Sixty-one species are newly added to the moss flora of Vietnam. Of which, ten genera (Eurhynchiadelphus Ignatov, Huttunen & T.J. Kop., Fleischerobryum Loeske, Forsstroemia Lindb, Geheebia Schimp., Hageniella Broth., Leskeella (Limpr.) Loeske, Pterogoniadelphus M. Fleisch., Rhizomnium (Mitt. ex Broth.) T.J. Kop., Scabridens E.B. Bartram and Torrentaria Ochyra) are newly reported for the country. Scabridens is recorded outside China for the first time. The tropical American Macromitrium longifolium (Hook.) Brid. is newly reported for Asia. The occurrence of Ctenidium pinnatum (Broth. & Paris) Broth. in Vietnam is confirmed. These results make up the moss flora of Vietnam comprising of 816 species (including 50 infraspecific taxa) belonging to 227 genera in 61 families. One hundred and three taxa of mosses are hitherto known only from Vietnam. All new generic records are illustrated based on the local specimens.