Denis Lamy officially retired on 17 December 2013. However, readers and authors of Cryptogamie should be reassured that he will continue acting as director of publication of the three sections (Algologie, Bryologie, Mycologie) of the journal. Suzanne Jovet-Ast and Hélène Bischler-Causse, who founded in 1975 the Association des Amis des Cryptogames, a French non-profit organisation (Law 1901) dedicated to promote the diffusion of knowledge on Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes, would most certainly have been proud of what Denis has done for the Association and for its publication, Cryptogamie. In the nineties, Denis Lamy took over the presidency of the Association as well as the responsibility of its publication, acting as director of publication and editor-in-chief of Cryptogamie, Bryologie. In this capacity he has managed to square the cycle: maintaining high-quality printed publication in an era when many titles are disappearing. In the meantime, he successfully realized the transition toward electronic publication by introducing online distribution of Cryptogamie. Thanks to Denis perceptiveness, these transitions were achieved without altering the independent position of the journal.