
New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, XVIII. Records from the Bidoup-Núi Bà National Park, Vietnam, with the description of Drepanolejeunea bidoupensis, sp. nov.

Tamás PÓCS, Thien-Tam LUONG & Boon-Chuan HO

fr Cryptogamie, Bryologie 34 (3) - Pages 287-298

Published on 31 July 2013

New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, XVIII. Records from the Bidoup-Núi Bà National Park, Vietnam, with the description of Drepanolejeunea bidoupensis, sp. nov.

Several interesting epiphylls were collected in recent surveys of bryophytes in Bidoup-Núi Bà National Park, Central Vietnam. Among the 125 samples containing 185 leaves covered by 54 species of which 43 belong to Lejeuneaceae, 5 to Radulaceae, 2 each to Frullaniaceae and Lepidoziaceae, finally a single species each to Plagiochilaceae and Daltoniaceae. Three of them, Cheilolejeunea ventricosa, Cololejeunea angustiflora and Drepanolejeunea tricornua proved to be new to Vietnam while one, Drepanolejeunea (Rhaphidolejeunea) bidoupensis is described, as new to science. This area with its high species richness has proven worth for protection and further exploration.

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