
Tetrodontium ovatum (Funck) Schwägr. (Tetraphidaceae, Bryophyta) nouveau pour la France

Jacques BARDAT, Pierre BOUDIER & Robert GAUTHIER

fr Cryptogamie, Bryologie 34 (1) - Pages 31-36

Published on 25 January 2013

Tetrodontium ovatum (Funck) Schwägr. (Tetraphidaceae, Bryophyta) nouveau pour la France

Tetrodontium ovatum (Funck) Schwägr. is recorded as new for the French bryoflora, based on a sample collected in the region of Haute-Savoie. Data on its autoecological features are provided. Additionally, its diagnostic characters are discussed and an identification key to Tetrodontium species in France is proposed.

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