
The genus Kiaeria in Spain, including K. blyttii (Bruch et Schimp.) Broth. new to Spain

Montserrat BRUGUÉS & Elena RUIZ

en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 33 (3) - Pages 263-266

Published on 27 July 2012

During the study of the genus Kiaeria for Flora Briofítica Ibérica project, 2 specimens corresponding to K. blyttii were identified; this species has never been reported from Spain. The remaining samples corresponded to K. starkei. Kiaeria falcata is rejected from the Spanish checklist since all the records were erroneous or unidentifiable. The lectotype for K. blyttii has been designated. Diagnostic characters, summarized in a table, illustrations and the distribution of the Spanish Kiaeria species are given.

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