FAUBERT Jean, TARDIF Bernard, et LAPOINTE Martine — Les bryophytes rares du Québec. Espèces prioritaires pour la conservation
HÖLZER Adam — Die Torfmoose Südwestdeutschlands und der Nachbargebiete.
KOPONEN Timo, PIIPPO Sinika and REINIKKA Erkki (eds) — Dr. Ming-Jou Lai Memorial Volume. Acta bryololichenologica sinica
CAO Tong & KOPONEN Timo — Musci in « Symbolae sinicae »; an annotated checklist of mosses collected by H. Handel-Mazzettin China in 1914-1918, and described by V.F. Brotherus in 1922-1929. Bryobrothera
KOPONEN Timo — Compilation of Musci in Symbolae sinicae in the light of H. Handel-Mazzetti's letters to V.F. Brotherus. Bryobrothera
GRADSTEIN S. Robbert and ILKIU-BORGES Anna Luiza — Guide to the plants of central French Guiana: Part 4. Liverworts and Hornworts.
GUERRA Juan, BRUGUES Montserrat, CANO Maria J. & CROS Rosa M., (eds) — Flora briofítica ibérica. Volumen IV.
FREY Wolfgang (éd.) — Bryophyte systematics, phytodiversity, phytosociology and ecology – Festschrift in honour of Professor Dr. Harald Kürschner. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft
KÜRSCHNER Harald & FREY Wolfgang — Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta).