
Analyses d'ouvrages

Denis LAMY

fr Cryptogamie, Bryologie 30 (3) - Pages 419-421

Published on 31 July 2009

Book review

SÉRGIO Cecília, SIM-SIM Manuela & CARVALHO Malfada — Annotated
catalogue of Madeiran Bryophytes. Funchal, Madeira, ed. Câmara Municpal do
Funchal, 2006, 163 p., ill. (Boletim do Museu municipal do Funchal (História
natural) suplemento no. 10) (éditeur : Museu municipal do Funchal (Historia
natural), Rua da Mouraria, 31, 9004-546 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, ISSN 0870-

HÄSSEL DE MENENDEZ Gabriela and RUBIES Marta F. — Catalogue of
Marchantiophyta and Anthocerotophyta of southern South America. Chile,
Argentina and Uruguay, including Easter Is. (Pascua I.), Malvina Is (Falkland Is.),
South Georgia Is., and the subantarctic South Shetland Is., South Sandwich Is.,
and South Orkney Is. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 134, Berlin, Stuttgart, J. Cramer
2009, 672 p. (Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Johannesstr. 3A, D-70176
Stuttgart, http://www.schweizerbart.de, ISBN 978-3-443-51056-5, prix : 189 €)

PURSELL Ronald A. — Fissidentaceae. Flora neotropica monograph 101,
St.-Louis, New York botanical gadern press, 2007, 279 p., ill. (bibliogr. 257-265 ;
index des taxons 268-278) (éditeur: New York Botanical garden Press, 200th
Street and Kazimiroff Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10458-5126, www.nybgpress.org,
ISBN-13 : 978-0-89327-483-2, prix : 65$).

Moss flora of China (English version). Volume 7 : Amblystegiaceae - Plagiotheciaceae
— HU Ren-Liang, WANG You-fang, CROSBY Marshall R., Eds in
chief; Si HE organizing editor – with contribution of Wang You-fang, Hu Ren-
Liang, Wu Yu-huan, Gao Chien, Li Deng-ke, Li Wei, Si He, and Robert R. Ireland.
Beijing, New York, Science Press, and St Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden
Press, 2008, viii + 258 p., pls 470-590, cartes (bibliographie pp. 243-245 ; index des
noms latins pp. 246-255, index des noms chinois pp. 256-258). (Editeurs : Science
Press (Beijing), 16 Donghuangchenggen North Street, Beijing 100717, China ;
MBGPress, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA ; ISBN 978-1-930723-
77-1, $85.00, mbgpress@mobot.org).

VANDERPOORTEN Alain and GOFFINET Bernard — Introduction to Bryophytes.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 20 May 2009, viii + 303 p., ill. en
noire et blanc et 8 pl. coul. (glossaire, 256-206, bibliographie 267-293, index 294-
303). (ed. : The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8RU,
UK, www.cambridge.org, ISBN 9780521700733 (paperback, prix $45.00) ;
9780521877121 (hardback, prix $110.00)).

ZÚÑIGA Felipe — Briófitas de los Bosques templados de Chile. Una introducción
al mundo de los musgos hepáticas y anthocerotes. Guía de Campo. Concepción,
Chile, Ed. Corporación Chilena de Madera, 2008, 168 p. (Glossaire, pp. 149-
160, bibliographie, pp. 161-166) (ISSN 978-956-8398-02-6).

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