
Suzanne Jovet-Ast (8 février 1914, Paris - 22 février 2006, Biarritz)

Denis LAMY

fr Cryptogamie, Bryologie 28 (2) - Pages 159-183

Published on 27 April 2007

Suzanne Jovet-Ast (8 février 1914, Paris - 22 février 2006, Biarritz)

Suzanne Jovet-Ast (Paris, 8 February 1914 – Biarritz, 22 February 2006) devoted her life to botany and, especially, to bryology. In 1941, she joined the Laboratoire de Cryptogamie ([PC], Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris) as “assistant”, and achieved her career by the directorship of this laboratory (1975-1982). Retired in 1982, she continued working until her death. Interested in taxonomy and biogeography, she was a specialist of the genus Riccia. The author has taken the opportunity of this biography for giving some data on the evolution of the laboratory of Cryptogamy during the stay of Jovet- Ast. A complete list of the botanical works of Jovet-Ast including publication dates is given.

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