
New Bryological Data from the Balearic Islands. II.

Llorenç SÁEZ, Montserrat BRUGUÉS, Creu CASAS, Rosa María CROS & Patrícia BALAGUER

en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27 (3) - Pages 387-394

Published on 28 July 2006

Based on recent bryophyte collections, 21 new records are added to the bryophyte flora of the Balearic Islands, which increases the number of known species to 308 (2 hornworts, 67 liverworts, 239 mosses). The presence within the Balearic archipelago of the following bryophytes is reported for the first time: Cephaloziella stellulifera (Spruce) Schiffn., Fossombronia maritima (Paton) Paton, F. wondraczekii (Corda) Lindb., Frullania riparia Hampe ex Lehm., Marchesinia mackaii (Hook.) S. Gray, Riccia beyrichiana Lehm., R. bifurca Hoffm., R. gougetiana Durieu & Mont., R. macrocarpa Levier, Bryum gemmiferum R. Wilczek & Demaret, B. laevifilum Syed., Encalypta spathulata Müll. Hal., Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedw.) Z. Iwats, Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Hampe, Protobryum bryoides (Dicks.) J. Guerra & M.J. Cano, Rhynchostegiella durieui (Mont.) Allorge & Perss., R. teesdalei (Schimp.) Limpr., Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Schimp., Tortula cuneifolia (Dicks.) Turner, T. freibergii Dixon & Loeske and Weissia rutilans (Hedw.) Lindb. The presence within the Balearic archipelago of Cephaloziella divaricata (Sm.) Schiffn. is excluded.

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