
Contribution à l'étude bryologique du Petit Luberon (Vaucluse) II. La crête, le versant sud et l'extrémité occidentale du massif

Jean-Pierre HÉBRARD

fr Cryptogamie, Bryologie 27 (2) - Pages 253-264

Published on 28 April 2006

Contribution to the bryoflora of Petit Luberon (Vaucluse) II. The crest, the south side and the western end of the massif

Prospections carried out on hard lower Cretaceous limestones, near the ridge of the Petit Luberon (Vaucluse) and in several small valleys situated on the southern slope and at the western extremity of the massif, enabled the author to add 6 liverworts and 14 mosses to the bryoflora of the mountain, which at present consists of 21 species of liverworts and 118 species of mosses. Among the most interesting contributions (taxa that are rare in south-eastern France) Bryum ruderale, Cryphaea heteromalla, Orthotrichum acuminatum, Porella × baueri and Seligeria acutifolia are worth mentioning.

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