
Lait maternel ou lait de vache ? La production du corps de l’enfant par deux liquides nourriciers chez les Peuls du Ferlo (Sénégal)

Dorothée GUILHEM & Gilles BOËTSCH

fr Anthropozoologica 52 (1) - Pages 91-101

Published on 30 June 2017

This article is a part of the thematic issue Allaitement entre humains et animaux : représentations et pratiques de l’Antiquité à aujourd’hui

Breastmilk or cow’s milk? Production of the child’s body by two liquid foster among the Fulani of Ferlo (Senegal)

In the Ferlo region of Senegal, lactating women Fulani early introduce animal milk in the diet of infants. This method of feeding the infants used to introduce a reflection on the relations of complementarity, homology or replacing existing between human and animal milk, according to the special relationship that these pastors establish with their cattle.


Breastmilk, cow’s milk, childhood, body, Fulani, Senegal

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